Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ordered Chaos~ Where I Create

For the third year I am participating in the Where Bloggers Create Party.

There are hundreds of bloggers participating so you will get a chance to see many wonderful workspaces~

Many of them are pretty and well-organized, but I decided to go a different route~ the unvarnished truth. Just the way my workspace is~ no straightening up, no organization, no cleaning. Mine space looks about like it  did last year except there is a little less stuff so these are from last year's party.

I didn't do any cleaning up for a whole year.  I am a bad, bad girl.  I am so lazy I am reusing last year's post.  I am a bad, bad girl.

Here it is starting at my worktable and rotating around 360 degrees from my chair. Enjoy!

Note: If you click on any of the pictures you can get a closeup view!!!!!!!!

My way of creating is to buy stuff and later I decide what to make out of it so I enjoy seeing what I have and then creating something.

Most of my products are created while soaking in the bathtub and then come to life down here in the studio.... really my basement.

Thank you for coming by to see my workspace. If you enjoyed your visit, I invite you to become a follower of my blog.

Have fun visiting all the other Where Bloggers Create Workspaces. And if you are interested here is my Where Bloggers Create Post from the first party.


  1. I'm too embarrassed to even show mine! Your's looks very functional Joan. I love it!

  2. soooooooo many what I do, buy it, someday I might need that.

  3. Thank you so much! (If only I had a basement.) This room is my computer, doll, craft, sewing room and it's organized chaos. I loved seeing your space. I was beginning to think I was the only one.

  4. It's really real, is what it is! I'm kinda jealous! I'm hoping to get pics up later, but I'm varnishing first. :) Unvarnished in my case is a little storage-room-y. Love your workspace!

  5. So cool! Off to link up your goodies!

  6. I love how real you are. Not many would be that brave. I wish I had a room in which to create. Even if it were a basement. But here in SoCal we don't have basements. I get to use the dining room table if I want to create. Or put up a small folding table in the middle of my family room. That is probably why I don't get to create as much as I would like. That, and I'm really too lazy. Thanks for sharing your space.

  7. This is my kind of creative space!! It's fun to see the color coordinated, nice & neat, picture perfect rooms but I enjoy really getting into the projects I create so my room is often quite 'messy'! I'll have to take some photos & join the fun!!!!

  8. Looks like you have lots of real treasures stashed in there!!! Fun place! I thought about joining in with a picture of my dining table where I work on my jewelry, but figured I was pushing it. :-D

  9. I just loved seeing all your stuff and all the places you have to store things!
    Looks like a great place to me!

  10. I love your awesome!!!

  11. I love the space and I love your honesty!

  12. I'm going to go back and enlarge the photos - so many wonderful things! You have so much right there at your fingertips! Thanks for sharing it with us.


  13. My son moved out and I'm in the process of taking over his old room and making a creative space. I don't really have a room of my own to create in... so I'm constantly taking things out and putting them up...not a great way to create but my hubbie hates seeing stuff here and there...oh to have a basement!! Thanks for sharing and being real!

    Miss Bloomers

  14. A lot of working treasures. Thanks for sharing your great studio.

  15. Hi Joan,
    Can you give me your address so I can sneak over some night and go through all that wonderful stuff :-)
    I enlarged every last picture so I could see all the great stuff in your basement just waiting to be turned into your art.
    I think the "unvarnished truth" is very pretty and organized.

  16. You are quite brave to show us the unvarnished truth about your wonderful space.....lots of goodies for your creativity!!!!
    I wanted to join this meme today but was concerned my studio was too messy....should have gone your route!!!

  17. Unvarnished truth is a welcome treat! We all know that nobody (well, almost nobody) keeps a "perfect" place to create. I love all your goodies but I especially am in love with the wooden drawers. They are beautiful!! Thank you for showing us your space.

  18. Wow! You are my hero!
    Showing this to Mr. Flea just to prove I'm not the only one!

  19. I so love it that you have so much stuff to create with and can leave it ALL OUT AT THAT!!!

    My space has dual functions and I see it from my bedroom each time I walk by......I'm afraid I'm much to anal (O:(O: to leave everything out!! LOL


  20. I am soooo glad to see your room! It looks the room of a very creative and busy woman with lots on her mind! I bet you have ideas coming and going!!! What a great room to create and think of new projects while you create...
    Love it!
    You go girl!

  21. Look at all of that wonderful treasure!! I would have so much fun in your studio!

  22. I have to go get my husband and share your creative space! he thinks I'm crazy, but I'm thinking after seeing your amazing space...Ive only just begun! thank you!

  23. very cool and just packed with treasures!

    so fun to see where you create!


  24. It always helps to see I'm not the only one who doesn't have one of those 'pretty' studios, thanks for sharing! I also love that you have a stack of Nancy Drew books ;)

  25. Looks like you have lots of projects waiting for your magical touch! I enjoyed seeing your creative space. Have a great weekend. Connie

  26. This is what my art room looks like, because when you are constantly creating, things cannot possibly stay completely tidy. Your work space looks wonderful.

  27. This is a REAL art room! Thank you for showing us the organized chaos...
    your creative self.

    If you are like me, total organization crimps my creative style. I just cannot function in complete order. (Hmmm...I wonder what that says about me...)

  28. Great space and kudos to you for not tidying up (I cleaned up was REALLY bad) I create the same way you do idea what I am doing when I buy things, but then it comes to me at a later time (not in the bathtub tho)

  29. Organized chaos, that's mine.
    I think there are a lot of us out there.

  30. You're very I couldn't do that, I had to clean up first. I so, enjoyed my visit with you. Have fun at the party!

  31. It still looks like a place to be inspired and where creativity is unleashed! Mine REALLY had to be straighted up as our sons graduation party is next week and my husband referred to my space (which is on the main floor) as fitting for an episode of COPS! Unfortuantely that wasn't far from the truth, I got a little crazy getting ready for a show! Thanks for sharing, Theresa

  32. Joan -- you have everything your creative hearts desires right at your finger tips!

    Good for fun!

    Stop by and say hi -- been awhile since we said hey to one another.

    Hugs... Claudia

  33. How brave you are and oh how I would love to dig through it all on a treasure hunt!

    What a fun post! Kudos!


  34. Bravo to you for showing your space in all its full creative chaos! Looks like there are many treasures to be found here! Have a great weekend.

  35. He he thanks for showing us your organised chaos Joanne, now I don't feel so bad about my cluttered wotk desks anymore that I wasn't brave enough to show in my WBC post.
    Nice to meet you here at the party today!
    Happy party wishes from Germany sends you Carola

  36. Hi Joanne,
    Love your organised chaos, and am thankfull that you posted it as is,--just like I did with mine ,makes me feel not all allone, about having stuff all over.I love your wonderfull space, and all the goodies to look at. Thanks.

  37. I found myself double clicking on almost all the photos, peeking at all the WONDERFUL stuff you have! What I would GIVE to come play with you one day! {{SWOON}} Joan, I love all of it! Thanks so much for sharing! I'm participating too, please stop by and say "Hi!"


  38. You have surrounded yourself with a glorious amount of beautiful "stuff." Love that you aren't ashamed to show how you create and how it inspires you. Love it. I couldn't work in it, but I sure love everything I see.

  39. A gal after my own heart!!! I too have my "studio" in the basement, I'd recognize those little windows anywhere. I love your space and all of your stuff! My problem is I think I love hunting down and buying the stuff a wee bit more than actually creating with it - ssshhh, it'll be our secret.

  40. I love your unvarnished truth! It gave me ideas on how to store stuff ... I have one cabinet that is definitely being under utilized.

  41. So much good stuff!!!! I love to have lots of things to choose from when I am in creative mode. I don't have nearly enough stuff! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful space!
    My Desert Cottage

  42. That's a lot of inspiration there!!! I know I enjoyed pouring over every photo!!!! I will be back to see what creative goodies you make!
    Margaret B

  43. I missed the deadline for this but am so happy to see that someone has a creative space similar to mine. Can't wait to check out what you create in your space!!

  44. Wow the bathtub!!! really...OK I just want to come shop in your studio!!!


  45. I love it , you made me laugh. I would be in your space for hours looking throught all thoes jars. Don't you love it when you find something you didn't know you had !

    I have to admit I cleaned but I didn't show where I pushed all the stuff I moved...Thanks for sharing Hugs ~Wendy at blissangels

  46. Lots of cool things-maybe next year I'll be brave and leave my space as is. Loved the tour!

  47. Hi Joan
    Love your space and could sit here for hours peering into your jars! You are such a talent, I have always loved your style.
    Of course you can have pictures!
    Great idea about the recap.
    Hope you are well and things are good with you.
    Many Blessings

  48. Love it! A kindred spirit - you can never have too much "fuel" for the imagination. Thank you for sharing.

  49. Awesome! Super fabulous! This space is wonderfully chaotic and I think I would have a wonderful day creating in this space! LOVE IT!

  50. Love it! What a great idea and what a great space you have. You can sure feel the creative energy just oozing out of the photos!

  51. Hi Joan! You were with the early wave! I've had a very busy weekend and can finally get to the show! Thank you very much for visiting my post and making your kind comment and request. My settings won't let me access your e-mail, but I wanted to give you the go ahead. Thank You! My space is unvarnished too. It is too much of a workspace, and I am too busy to have messed with it, but I did want to share it. I did some selective shooting, but I didn't even dust! Really enjoyed your post--glad to have found you. Jacqueline

  52. Ahhh controlled chaos - my favorite.
    thanks for the truthful show..

  53. Inspiration all around... I love it! You have so many cool goodies! :) Thanks for the wonderful tour!

  54. how great to post what it really looks like right now-i wasn't that brave :) i'm in the middle of purge and reorganize...

  55. You are my kind of gal! Clutter is just fine and opens the door for lots of creativity!
    Best wishes,

  56. WOW Joan, I have my shopping basket ready and I am coming to shop:) Gosh, you sure have loads of good stuff and organized so you can use it!

    Thanks for sharing your creative space with me!

    Have a blessed day! HUGS!

  57. THANK YOU for the "unvarnished" tour ... I looked at each picture up-close-and-personal!! Now that's a true peek into somebody's creative space!


  58. Yours is the first creative space I am looking at this morning, and I felt right at home. I don't have a basement living here in Florida, my main workspace is a 6'x8' space, where we have books galore, my computer, printer and desk, and 'some' of my supplies for crafting.

    I love that you posted your space just as it is. Yesterday morning after looking at a few creative spaces, I felt kind of down looking at all the lovely well organized spaces, but at the same time motivated to do a little straightening up.

    You are so organized and have so much neat storage and so much stuff just waiting to be created into something. I think that's great.

    Thank you for sharing.


  59. Your workspace is actually very inspirational.....I would love to work in that space!!!!

  60. I would love to go through that collection of books, Joan! I love books and I'll bet you create some wonderful things using them. Seeing everyone's spaces has given me some great ideas for storage options. I really like the clear containers and drawer storage you have here. Realistically, it makes it so much easier to see what you're looking for.

  61. Your place looks so interesting, and so many wonderful treasures. Thank you for your honesty in your presentation! I wish I could be like that. I would love to drop by for a real visit. Great workspace. Take care, Nan

  62. I love your unvarnished artist-at-works-in-progress studio! THIS is how real artist live! Thank you for sharing.

  63. Good for you! This is how a real studio should look. The only reason why mine looks organized is because I just created it. I especially was drawn to all the books you have.

  64. What an amazing space you have created! It inspires me to add to my own crafting area.

    I adore all of your storage solutions.

  65. So many wonderful things there are. I love how real your workspace is. thank you for the wonderful tour and for sharing your space. Have a wonderful weekend. Angela

  66. I love the fact that you took "as is" pic's. I had to clean up as I couldn't even walk through my sewing room as I would beak my neck, I worked my fanny off but then it was necessary or I may have never sewn again! I see you love and use jars, me too! they are the best! Have fun blog hopping and stop by if you get a chance. XOXO

  67. Thanks for the unvarnished truth! Some of the pretty, pristine work rooms I've seen on line are just too nice to imagine messed up. Whare is all the evidence of creativity happening? Where are all the paint splatters? Whare are all the frayed pieces of this and that? I love your studiojust the way it is! (A lot like mine!)

  68. OOHHH I Love your inspiring!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  69. I sooo LOVE your space. Right from the first picture I was all excited( my daughter too..age 12!) to begin creating. I love to see things exactly how they are!

    happy day!

  70. I was feeling pretty intimidated looking at some of the rooms, yours made me feel right at home. It reminds me of my space at home. Enjoyed thge tour!

  71. Hi Joan,
    What fun to see where you come up with your creations you sell at the flea markets. It looks like a fun place to play - kind of like a creative laboratory! Thanks for stopping by my blog - Did you see the little green drawer unit I bought from you a while back? I love it!!!

  72. Hi Joan,
    I just saw your comment on my Where Blogger's Create post. I am VERY flattered that you would want to use a photo from my studio space...feel free to use what you want! Thanks!!

  73. I love it that you're "keeping it real"! You have a great workspace & lots of fun stuff! I have so many things I still want to do to my creative space but decided to join the party anyway. I'm really enjoying visiting all the party guests---it's so inspiring! Thanks so much for sharing with us. I'm already a follower & am enjoying your blog! Patti

  74. Hi Joan:
    I'm in awe of your incredible space. So many treasures waiting patiently for your touch! Thanks for sharing today. You're invited to visit Brynwood and enter my WBCII giveaway. Hope you'll stop by!

  75. Thank you for the tour! It looks pretty organized to me. I don't think I could have moved around my studio well enough to take photos if I hadn't restored order first!

  76. I love your space. So many wonderful items to play with. I would have so much fun going through your treasures. We have a few of the same and very similar tastes. Wow! Thanks for sharing and hope to chat soon! xoxo Rhonda...

  77. Hi Joan,
    Your creative space looks fun and inviting. I love that everything is at your fingertips. I can't believe how much fun STUFF you have to play with. Thanks for sharing.

  78. Oh My, Now this is what a real crafters room should look like, I love it! So many wonderful thing to play with... You know I have to sign up as a follower cause I can't wait to see all the wonderful things you create.

    Hugs, Linda

  79. Wow! Oh the fun I could have in your studio and the treasures I am sure are there.....

    Thank you for sharing your creative space!

    Romeo and "her"

  80. I love your creative space..a true working studio, not just a showplace! I will defintely sign up as a follower and I'm going straight from here to see your post from last year's party.

    If you get a chance, you might like to stop by and look at my studio pics. Thanks for letting me look around...


  81. Joan,
    What a grand array of treasures you have.
    isn't it all just sooo much fun, dabbling in this and tha??


  82. Hello!

    I`m so flattered by your visit and your kind words.
    Ofcourse you have my promission to use photos from my creative space, it would be an honour!

    Your creative space is just charming!
    I love every imperfection, and the bohemian style of organization.

    Lots of love

    magdalena/Color Sepia

  83. What a fantastic place to work. I would love to have all that. I really enjoyed visiting you. Have a great day,
    Janet's Creative Pillows

  84. We are so in sinc here! Buy stuff then create. My husband so doesn't get it. Yesterday he asked me to please stop bringing junk home. LOL. I have to buy the stuff when I find it, it's not like I can run down to Wally World and get what I need as the mood strikes, those unique things that I use to create have to be on hand, spur of the moment inspiration. Anyway, would love to come over and play. Looks like a fun shop to be in. Thanks for sharing it!

    Vintiqiuties Workshop

  85. THank you for posting reality. My I am at full storage capacity in my space - time to make - or find more storage. have a great day.

    FYI - I am adding you to my google reader.

  86. Okay, now I don't feel so bad. Girl, you should see MY studio!


  87. Hi Joan,

    It's perfect! Oh, how I love all those books and all of the vintage trinkets just waiting to be reborn. I enjoyed my stroll through your space so much.

    I'd love to have you come take a stroll through my's been a labor of love to get it all in place..what a journey this past year has been!

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  88. Oh, I love it. My daughter and I didn't participate because we were post art-fair and in total chaos. There was no help for us! I love seeing this and I understand. I am not an organized person at heart.

    If you wish, come and visit our blog. We are only three months old (blogging) but have been making jewelry for fifteen years. Our blog is about much more than our jewelry...our life, our other artistic interests, estate and rummage know! And how two right-brained people create together. Thanks for little us in and showing us the real truth.


  89. Hi Joan! I am beyond flattered that you want to use one of my pics. Yes go right ahead. I love your "chaos". I see lots of goodies in there. Thanks for sharing.



  90. oh yes! this is a crapload of absolute goodness! love it! xo

  91. I love the large wooden piece with the many drawers! I could fill them all! I've started following you. sandy

  92. Now this I love! I could get totally lost in here for hours and love every minute of it! Just beautiful Joan.

  93. Oh goodness,
    I can hardly write because I just want to go look at your whole entire blog! Okay, I zoomed on all your pictures because it's all the kind of stuff I buy & use. Also, I work the same as you. Buy first, create later. The coin purses, I didn't show my collection of them. Favorite things! The cool dresser on your table with all the little drawers, awesome! Turtle shell! Cool. All those book. Well, I gotta go read your whole blog. There goes my day. Lisa

  94. OMG all the fun toys, tools and inspiration. What a great place. Thankyou for sharing it with us!!

  95. Oh How i love your space- i like all the mystery behind the drawers- stuffed away- i could spend hours there - I love it. a New Follower as well- i like the space -so i will follow and see what you do with that amzing area.
    Glad to meet you through the Creative Space Party

  96. Aaaaaah, but we LOVE chaos, don't we, sweetpea?! Love your space.
    Still trying to get around to all of them! Yikes........

  97. I appreciate your showing your studio as it is on an daily basis. I kinda did the same, but did move a few piles out of view. It looks like to me that you have an amazing assortment of goodies to create with and I love that. Thank you for sharing your space.
    Big Horn Mountain Creations

  98. You have a wonderful collection of goodies at hand to do put into your art, how lucky you are. I think you have a great attitude about just buying and collecting the things that catch your eye, then decide later what to do with them or how to use them. Thanks for the tour.

  99. I would love to go through some of your treasures, love it!

  100. your space looks like an actual workspace, like you actually work there, and it’s awesome. You have so much crafty/vintage goodness there, must be easy to be inspired by it all. What fun it would be to poke around your stash. :)

  101. Ahhhhhh! A Mecca of trinkets, goodies and inspiring stuff! My heart is racing and my blood is pumping! Thank you for NOT cleaning up and giving us the "real" behind the scenes scoop!
    Cheers, Lurena
    Tattered Moon

  102. LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously - that is all so right up my alley!!!!!

    I can't even pick one thing out that I love more than the next - 'cause I want to move in there and create right beside you!!!

    :-D robelyn

  103. What a great space! You have so many interesting things.

  104. Ah the bliss of ordered chaos I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND! I am so late getting to everyones blogs but better late than never right?
    luvs and glitter

    p.s. i'm having a giveaway if you would like to stop by, but no pressure really just thought I'd let you know, there is vintage wallpaper and antique buttons involved:)

  105. I have been following your blog for a while back, and I always wondered what kind of space you create in... Ta Daa!! This is great, wow you space is so full of stuff, I love it. Glad I got to see it : )

  106. Loved it ~ The Creative Studio that Tells it like it is..... Thank You for Sharing ~ since I cleaned up My Studio (just for the photos) I haven't felt the Creative Spirit ~ I hope I didn't Scare Her Away.....

  107. Wonderful many treasures!

  108. Ordered Chaos...Yes, yours is very orderly. I like all of your storage bins.
    Thank you for sharing your creative space with us. Have a thoughtful Thursday. ~Natalie

  109. You are awsome! Thank you for being real. I relate to you so very well. I also have a basement for most of my stuff. although mine looks ready to air on an episode of "Hoarders". I think I suffer from shoppers OCD :-o One of my goals is to get it looking as tidy as yours and list it on next years party blog. Keep on creatin'

  110. If we were so honest!!! Mine looks like that - well, today! But yours looks like a place I'd just love to get my hands into and start playing. Thanks for the peek inside your creative space. Diane

  111. Just looking at all of the treasures to create with is inspiring. I loved seeing your space just as it is, thank you for sharing.

  112. Oh - the wonders I can see just from the pictures, never mind having a closer look. I LOVE your space and am so happy you didn't feel you had to clean it up for company. Thank you for inviting us to visit!

  113. So much to do, so little time! You have quite a collection of stuff. Must be like Christmas all over again sometimes. How fun! Thank you for sharing your space with me~ Sherry w/Scrapping With Sherry

  114. What a great place to create, "as is" is inspiration at every turn! Thank you for sharing!

  115. LOVE it! Ordered chaos, sounds like my life. Love your space too, inspiration around every corner.

  116. I love that you shot your studio the way that it originally looks :) And oh my goodness I love your book collection! Such a great collection of treasures you have :) Thank you for sharing your space!


  117. I was visiting some of last year's posts, last week, and your post from last year was one I read. So here I a again. I love that you shared the real you. I meant to post the photos of how I really exsist in my space, but I got so excited to publish my post, I forgot. Thanks for sharing. I love all the fun stuff to look at in your room. Happy blogging.

  118. You have a bunch of great stuff! I'd love to poke around in it a bit!!
    Those books! Awesome!!

  119. I totally relate! My studio is always in a state of chaos. Like you, I buy or find interesting stuff and then figure out what to make with it - sometimes that can take years! In a way, it's like having a shop full of goodies to play with. Thanks for sharing!

  120. Hi Joan,
    I think your title says it all....ordered chaos. It might look to be chaos to some but I'm sure you know exactly where everything is!
    I create a lot like you do. If I see something I like I buy it and I will figure out what to do with it at a later point in time.
    Thanks for sharing your space with us again.

  121. Now, this is a creative space. I would so love to come over and poke around in all of your wonderness.
    Thanks for sharing,

  122. How refreashing this is!! I love seeing another studio like mine!..Fab!

  123. ok, I didn't participate because I dreaded cleaning up my your approach - really, it looks like my space! and my space is in the basement too! the upstairs office is a little neater but that's not saying much! I would love to get a closer look at your space...I see many goodies...
    thanks for sharing

  124. Wow, that's a lot of supplies. How wonderful to have that at your reach. Not organizíng your space is very refreshing. Love it! Couldn't resist your blog title, btw. ;)

    Keep dreaming!

  125. WOW! Som many fun treasures to create with. Love your honesty!

  126. your studio is a lot like mine :)

  127. I love the term "ordered chaos"! And I could spend so much time in your studio opening drawers and boxes just looking at all the goodies!

    I hope you'll have time to visit my creative spaces!

  128. You have so many amazing treasures to work with! Thanks so much for all the photos...Just inspiring.

  129. love our chaos!!!!!!!!!! like a stash of wonder at every turn!!

  130. Finally, a space I can relate to!!!! So glad your space is "real" and not staged for the tour. My studio is also in the basement- complete with pipes, airconditioner ducts, cinderblock walls and lots of spiders, but it's large with lots of storage and work space and it's MINE - no cleaning up when company visits!!

  131. I can totally relate to stashing things into every nook and cranny. It looks like you do the same. But, I don't have a full on basement like you do, I have a deserted corner bedroom that I thought was big enough and now I know it's not. And you're right, my work tables are never empty, I did clear them for this hop.
    I can see that you do a lot of artwork, and I bet you're so happy to have a creative space to call your own.
    I enjoyed my visit, thank you so much for sharing.

  132. love it, that is a lot more like my style. Mum keeps nagging me to keep things neat but like me I bet you know where everything is and you can see it all too. Hugs Sara

  133. Wow! So much fun stuff! I love all the vintage elements. What a cool space!


  134. Some serious creating goes on in here! Wow!

  135. Great space, I bet you know just where everything is when you need it. I love your space, I want to come treasure hunting.
    Thanks for sharing

  136. So cool...the unvarnished truth! Loved that! Organized chaos...lots of beautiful things, and I'm sure you know where they are. I just love your many vintage collections. Thanks for sharing.

  137. Another Aladdin's cave!!! So many beautiful things all in one place. Thank you for sharing the way it really looks. ( I will admit I sorted mine before I joined)

  138. You have so much wonderful, organized, interesting stuff. I would love to spend some time in your space and be inspired. Thanks for sharing, it was fun to see it all.

  139. Oh, I think this is a great space... I could have so much fun in here.... :-)

    Warm blessings,

  140. This explains why you are able to make such interesting and artful pieces, Joan! You have a great and organized "stash".
    Love that your ideas start in a tub soaking.
    Thanks for sharing!

  141. I buy first create later too! What a great stash!

  142. It just doesn't matter whether or not your creative space is cleaned up, neat, super organized or a little messy, it only matters if you can create in there and you love it! Looks like it is very condusive to creativity to me.

  143. A place I can relate to and you have tons of books. I think you have a very creative space.

  144. Wow! You managed to get four rolling carts under your table. I have three. You must have the 10 foot table. Those carts are the best, though, aren't they. I love mine.

  145. I love the unvarnished version! Tons of cool stuff to create with here, thank you for sharing.

  146. I am re-visiting the list, I think because I was in such a hurry to see as much as possible last time round I may have missed adding a few comments. If you are getting two from me then you know I am duly impressed! I would love to just spend a moring with you to explore all your stash - wonderful space!


I love to read your comments.