Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Instant Collection~ Good Tools

I love old tools.  
Maybe it is in my blood.  
My dad was a carpenter who built his own house.
My grandfather was a custom cabinet maker.

Calipers and Dividers are among my favorite tools.
The largest one of these has a patent date of 1895.

I love to create groups of three assembled from local Estate Sales.
This Instant Collection is my latest favorite lising


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

One-of-a-Kind Inspiration Board

One of these Vintage Shoe Stretchers looks pretty cool repurposed as
a note/memo/photo holder, but....

Just imagine 6 of them lined up on the wall and repurpused
as an inspiration board.

Available at anythinggoehere.etsy.

They have a great midcentury industrial vibe.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Perfect Vintage Wire Basket

available at anythinggoeshere.etsy.

Need I say more?
Except, SOLD

The Lake Michigan Driftwood is still available.

It too is now SOLD!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Grandchildren Issues

I have been missing in action for the last week,
but I am having some grandchildren issues.

I have three grandchildren all belonging to my daughter, Amy.

Conner, a newborn who is seriously allergic to mold so my daughter
and her family have to move out of their home quick!

Hannah, who is starting college this fall and needs to
get to orientation and BOTH of her parents work and
don't have any time off!

And Kaylee, 13, who is coming to stay with us for part of the
summer.  Back to the two working parents.

But, I think we have it all worked out!  Yeah!

They live near Lexington, Kentucky and I don't get to see any of them
as often as I would like.

I love them all and I am happy to help out and especially excited about spending 
some time with Kaylee this summer.

Even with all of that planning going on, I did find some neat stuff for
anythinggoeshere.etsy which I am starting to list today.

Including this wonderful vintage Birch Bark Oval Box.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Take off your skirts and repurpose!

That is take your skirts off your skirt hangers!

And repurpose those hangers into easy peasy inspiration boards!

This Vintage Skirt Hanger

 is available at anythinggoeshere.etsy.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Offering an Oddity from my Personal Collection

I think this Vintage Tray held metal printing type blocks.

But I am not sure.

It has been in my studio, AKA the basement for over 20 years.

It has a nice industrial, urban look.

And this Vintage Storage Tray is now available


Sunday, May 8, 2011

My New Favorite

Since my old favorite, the lunar globe from my last post, is sold...

I have transfered my affection...

To this little cutie.

It is currently my favorite thing at 

A lot of vintage garden bang for such a tiny, tiny sweetie.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

To the moon, Alice!!!!!!

This Vintage Lunar Globe is my current favorite thing

Globes are so popular.

 And this unusual one with its great monochromatic colors 
and fun industrial galvanized base
would be perfect for people who love cream, and gray!!