Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hats Away

I think this post covers all of the Thursday Blog Party topics.

I used thrifty hats, the rack is vintage, I did it myself and I had to transform a pile of hats to a "okay again" hat display.

If you aren't interested in any of that you can just skip to my almost 50th post giveaway at the end....

It was a supposed to be easy "how to". It turned out not to be that easy.

This should be easy. Hats on a rack, right?

These thrift shop hats have been hanging on this thrift shop rack for at least 5 years until someone decided they wanted to try one on...then ALL the hats came tumbling down.

Recently I decided I to put them back up and post about how easy this display is to make. Ha. Don't try it with a camera on a bouncy old bed...

Use wire on the insides of the hats so you have something to keep the hats on the hooks. Don't start this project if you are hungry, tired, cranky, or impatient.

Pretend that they are all neatly lined up like you would do it, and just imagine how cute they would look over your bed, doorway, or on your front porch.


  1. Would love to win them - They'd go great in my blue and white kitchen.

    Happy Thrifting

  2. I would love them! Your post is great. Thanks for sharing and have a great week.


  3. I want them. I have some of their relatives and mine would sure like a visit with yours to catch with each other now that they're older and have a better perspective on life! You're funny. You're the greatest. You're my best friend (even though we've never met). You're generous. You're beautiful. Draw my name! Draw my name!

    The Texas Woman

  4. I want them - I want them!!!!
    I hate that your hats fell!

  5. Those are all pretty, but I don't have a place for them, so pass them to someone who does. Thanks for playing!

  6. I just want to tell you how much I love your hat display!!

    I'm supposed to be editing. Although I love the enamel ware, I'd like for someone else to have it.

  7. Of course I want them!! But the question is .. do they want me!! They might get homesick if they immigrate to a new country!

  8. Love the hats, the look great all up there like that.

  9. Joan I love them, I want them, please let them be mine! you are so generious.
    And the hats look fab. I love reading your blog it always inspires me.
    Love Sophie xxx

  10. I love your hat display! So fresh and simple. Until someone takes one down!
    As much as I would love to win the graniteware, sadly I have no room for it. Good luck to everyone else!

  11. Your hat display is just adorable. I would hate having to put them all back up, especially when tired, cranky, or just plain pi@@ed! LOL
    And I'd like to win-Put me in the running for that granite ware , toots! Thanks.
    :-) Sue

  12. Joan, You really are FUNNY! You always have something interesting to teach us. I would love to win.....I could see my cereal in those bowls....that color would surely wake me up in the morning!LOL
    Love the hat display!

  13. You are funny and I loved your hat idea! Thanks for coming to visit from Rhoda's party!

  14. got here from Rhoda's site, love the hats and your clever hanging idea, I collect graniteware so would be happy to take them off your hands

  15. I want them! Of course, I also love your hat display too:)

  16. You have to be nuts not to want them ...well Im nuts and want them so a double whammy, but I'll take the label to get the love!!!
    I must add that your hats are a great idea. I may need to pull some old ones out for fun.

  17. Love your blog and I WANT Them!!! You always make me smile....and I WANT Them!!! Love the hat display...Oh, and did I mention...I WANT THEM!!!!! Okay...I feel better now! I'll mention you on my blog in a bit...I'm watching a movie with hubby. *elaine*

  18. I would love the blue & white graniteware!! My husband and I used to have an antique shoppe when it was "hot". I, of course sold it all and now wished I had saved a few pieces!

  19. Joan,,, love the hats, especially the ones with the ribbon around them... the giveaway,,, love the graniteware.. blue is one of my fav colors. They would look oh so good in my house and I would be a wonderful recipient and take good care of them!!! Thanks for entering my name and since I am already a big follower of yours, you could try to swing it with the name drawer for me,,,wink wink;) Come on over to my blog and become of one of my followers, love to have ya join all the fun!!!

  20. OOOOOh...Ya took me in with the hats...but grabbed me with the graniteware. YES. Love the st. are funny.

  21. It's kind of fun when things don't go the way we planned! You get a funny post out of it at least :). BTW-just became a follower!

  22. Wow, I can't believe you are at 50 posts! Didn't you start doing this last tuesday? Time flies when you have such a visually appealing and entertaining blog!
    If I am the lucky winner- the postage will be very inexpensive!!!
    Your first(?) follower,

  23. As usual, everything you do is glorious!
    I love the blue and white... reminds me of my Grandma's kitchen. I would gladly take them off of your hands! ;)
    Have a wonderful Monday!

  24. Joan I want them. Who would not want them. Pick me darling! Pick me! See the little short gal over here in the pink hat. That's me. I am already a follower, but I think we should get credit for that too. Now I love the hats, you know hats are me. Those are so devine. They look so refreshing on the wall. A gal can never have to many hats. Wonderful post. COuntry Hugs, Sherry

  25. I've become a new follower on your blog...AND I am commenting for the first time.
    Does that count as TWO entries if I'd like your hats (which I would!)? I think so if I read your rules correctly.
    Woo Hoo!
    Congratulations on your "almost 50th post"! You can reach me through my blog:

  26. HMMM...not hungry, tired, cranky or impatient--now when would I try it ?:) Congrats on your 50th post. I clicked to follow and not only do I like the graniteware I NEED it:).

  27. Love your hats! The graniteware is beautiful! Congrats on your 50th post!

  28. Love all those straw hats!!! Quite a collection!


  29. i laughed at that, me written all over a project like that!!


  30. Of course I would LOVE THEM!!!! You can reach me at if I'm the blessed one!n And I'm already a follower!

  31. Hey Joan,
    Welcome to my world... I'm always climbing up and down shakey ladders, making sure everything is straight, and it all 'flows' together, I drive everyone crazy, but I never give up, sweat rollin', teeth grinding, arms aching, if it takes me all night, it shall be done!
    Barb C.

  32. I would LOVE to win the graniteware. It would look (and work!) great in my new girl trailer....(and get to see some pretty country when we go "glamping"!)

  33. Joan! Are you kidding? You are giving away that neat set??? Oh, please add me to the list of people. I would love a chance to win! Thank you SO much!

    And I love your hats. I have hats precariously balanced on a rack in my kitchen, and I didn't think about wire. LOL! Love your hats and that rack is as cute as can be. Neat.

    Happy Blue Monday to you...


    Sheila :-)

  34. Those hats look like quite a balancing act.

    My mom and aunt have green and red graniteware I've always coveted. Throw my hat in the ring for the blue ones!

  35. What a beautiful giveaway. They would fit in just right in my BLUE kitchen. I want them, I want them!!! If you pick me they will have a HAPPY!!! home with Lots of Love. I believe that what you do with all your Heart N Soul is done with Lots of Love. I added you blog, come by and visit my blog. THANKS!!! Geri

  36. I love your hats. I love your granite wear. I'd love to win it.

  37. Wow, what a generous gift give away! I would love to own them, I just found your blog through another blog..hahahaha and have decided to add you to my favorite blog list. Thank you for your blogging.

  38. Thank you so much for the lovely graniteware. You bet I want it my mind is going over the places I can put it. Right now I'm thinking patio and garden, yes!
    ~ ~Ahrisha~ ~

  39. I do like them, and thank you for the opportunity to win.

    I became a follower, and maybe you can follow my blog, too.

  40. Blue with a little rust ;-) now that is right up my alley. Put my name in the hat...speaking of hats, got a kick out of your 'Hat Rack' tutorial.

    Cheers this Monday afternoon, Candy

  41. Love your hat display. I'm always looking for ways to put up my hats, but, I wear them a lot so they usually are here and there. Thanks for the post.


  42. I would love to have a chance to win them. I love your straw hats as well. I have quite a thrift store collection of them also.
    I'm going to start following you as well.

  43. I love your approach and humor. Did you talk to the hats while working with them? I would have. Fortunately my family isn't concerned by this any longer. If I stop yapping at people and things, that could be a different story!

  44. I always procrastinate washing my dining room valance for fear I can't put it back right so I loved your hat demo!

    I love this enamelware and would be delighted if you would throw my name "in the hat!"

    I am also going to sign up as a follower.
    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  45. I'm back to let you know I posted about your giveaway and also hope you don't mind I am featuring you as 'Special blog of the week.' Just a little something I do.

    Blessings, Candy

  46. Pretty blue and white graniteware set and I am one of your followers now, Joan. Thanks for stopping by my blog too....Christine

  47. Such a cute rack with the hats !
    Please put me in for the blue and white graniteware set - they got personality !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  48. OOohh! I want them! I'm a new follower to your blog too. :)

  49. I love hats, so I really like your hat display! Happy Blue Monday!


  50. Well, you sure know how to get people's attention. :) I love the blue graniteware and it would find a grand home with me, so I want it. I also am a new follower and will post about your give away on my blog. Uhm, and good luck with the hats!!

  51. Okay, I just have to say, "You're funny!" The hat thing made me laugh.

  52. This is my first visit to your blog and I love it! I am now a follower.
    Although I like your give-away items, I am more of a "red" person right now.
    SO. I'll just watch from the sidelines!
    Your hat display is way cute!

  53. Oh, yes please, I'd love them! TTFN ~Marydon

  54. What fun finds! I love your "hat trick." You are just so clever.

  55. my mother-in-law has a bunch of blue graniteware. It is the specled w/white set but she'd love some of these.

  56. Just got to your blog from The Tattered cottage and I even know how I did it! I'm just finding out about blogs and hope to soon be doing one myself. In the meantime, so glad I found yours. Your hat "adventure" had me laughing out loud! I saw the hats hanging there and the word give away and I thought oh boy! they are so neat and then saw the real give away and squealed--"just like great grandma had!!! I want them! I want them pretty please))). I want them pretty please with a cherry on top!!! Oh, I also put your blog feed on my home page--does that make me a follower??? I really am pathetically blog dumb. Did I mention that you really ARE funny? Pam (

  57. What a great hat rack and all the hats are so pretty. I love the blue spatterware. I would love to have it, so please put me in your drawing. I also just found your blog and signed in as a follower. I look forward to more of your posts. Hugs, Marty

  58. My first visit to your blog! Love it!! &, Oh yes, I'd love the blue & white graniteware pots for my enclosed porch! So please PUT MY NAME IN THE HAT! (Any hat will do, as long as it's the one you're using for the drawing!).
    Even if I don't win, I'll be back to your neat blog!
    Susan S: )

  59. I love blue granite wear

  60. new follower

  61. Count me in on your great giveaway. Lovely.
    smelkoski (at) yahoo (dot) com

  62. Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment. I love comments! I like your blog and although I don't need what you are giving away I think it's a great thing for ladies. (That's about 2 cents worth)

  63. I wish the graniteware worked with my decor - it's really pretty! But I just had to say I LOVE your hat collection! I'm collection them, too - but I just have 3 so far, lol!

  64. What a cute rack and the hats too.
    Happy Blue Monday


  65. I love your hat rack display of all your straw hats! hmmm...II've got to go straw hat hunting!

    and I would love the blue graniteware.

    I'm fairly new to blogging and learning more and more as I go...
    I came across your blog through another :o)

    If you have time to take a peek at my blog, please leave me a comment so I know you've been by :o)

    Oh, my email, in the event that I get picked is

    Thanks for a great giveaway!!!!

  66. I would love to have those, and know exactly where they would make a home. Jackie

  67. Great giveaway, please enter my name.

    Happy Monday.


  68. Hey Joan, I absolutely love your hat display, not sure if I have the patience for the project though. I think I'd end up with a bale of straw upon completion! Would love to be the proud owner of a collection of graniteware! Have a awesome week!
    ~The Sweet Gardenia

  69. Hi Joan, Mr. Linky is working now, so you can link up this fabulous post! Love the hat idea, and this is a great giveaway!

  70. First...I just luvvv your cuteness !!
    And the hats...oh, I want some, too..those are waaay too cute. I'll hit some thrift stores tomorrow. i like that your's are all alike or at least almost it!!
    I am having a hissy fit for these blue and whites. Please add my name to your growing number. I love them.
    I will follow you....then, will you please follow me ? :O)

  71. Hi Joan, I love your hats, I love your hat rack, I love your blue granitware, I love your blog, I love you...that's right...yea... er...I love...I love it all!!!! I'm already a follower even before you were giving stuff away, and I'm telling people on the street to visit your blog because they will love you too... and...

  72. Hello, Happy Blue Monday! Beautiful blue post, thank you for sharing! I love your hats and blueware. I'd love to enter your drawing. Have a great week.
    Bless you, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  73. I love the way you showcased those hats ... lovely!!!

  74. Howdy
    Wow I never realized I had such a competitve streak until I saw your post and then I could hear myself saying please ,please , look at me I am over here and I must have those .
    In all seriousnes what an awesome post .
    Blessings of joy to you.
    Thank you so much for teaching me how not to hang hats or better still when it's not time to hang up hats for a photo shoot :)
    I am still drooling over all that blue and white granite ware !
    Happy Blue Monday to you.
    You are just the most amazing woman .
    I just love your blog .
    Blogger would not let me leave a comment earlier so here I am after midnight determined and it worked too !!!!!
    Blessings of joy to you for the coming week.
    Big hugs
    Happy Trails

  75. Hi Joan,
    I don't need 'em but if I win 'em I'll give 'em to my buddy Carole at Maynard Greenhouse who wants 'em!
    Love the hats and rack!
    Have a great day! Laura

  76. This is simply gourgous stuff!! I would for sure like to own them. You blog looks wonderful. I'd like to read some more of it.

  77. Wow....what a lovely give away, I'd love to have your old graniteware. I am enjoying your blog as a first time visitor and will be following!

  78. OH I want them ! They are fabulous! And I am becoming a follower right now too! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Cindy

  79. I too would love to have your graniteware. Thanks for the chance.

  80. I'd love that graniteware, too. Thanks for hosting a giveaway

  81. Roses are red
    I'm in a rut,
    Blue enamelware
    would be fab in the hut!
    I am now an AGH follower!

  82. Oh I would love to win the graniteware! I've also become a follower. Warm wishes, Esther

  83. Im a new follower,,,,,,and I want them! I have a baking pan that matches this exactly. How wonderful it would be to have all this to go along with it. Would love to be entered in your giveaway. :)

  84. The hat display is great fun ... nice job!
    I can't imagine that others weren't interested in the graniteware (what's wrong with those people??)!

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving the fun comment ,,, I did smile on the way to the checkout, but I did my best not to jump up and down and cause a scene!!!

    Bye for now,

  85. The "hat rack" is a wonderful idea! You can pick up straw hats at Kmart for just about nothing! Great project! I have a friend who used straw hats to make a window is so pretty!

    Happy Met Monday! Oh, please include me in the those dishes!


  86. Oh I would love to have these! Do you ever wear any of the hats??

  87. I landed here via Rhoda's blog and couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your giveaway of blue graniteware! I LOVE IT!!! It's still pricey around here and I've only bought two pieces over the years and have always wanted more. Enter me in the giveaway PLEASE!
    Thanks! Cynthia

  88. I would luv - luv- luv to have them!

    and I just became a follower so pretty please enter me


  89. I am a new follower and would love them.

  90. I love the blue granite ware they would look beautiful on my table.

  91. Your hats post made me giggle!
    I would love to own the blue graniteware,
    so please enter me in your giveaway!
    Happy VTT!

  92. I am now also following you! :)

  93. OMG..I want them, I want them, I want them. :)
    Not only do I want them a hundred times over, I would do a happy dance over most of Texas.The granite ware would look so good in mine kitchen, so please enter me. I did become a follower cause you have such a great blog and I like it. Good luck with those hats and Happy VTT..have a lovely weekend. :)


  95. first i really like your hats.. even plain hats can make one wall look so pretty.. and secondly I would love to win your giveaway.. as I am very excited! hehehehehe Happy VTT

  96. The hats look awesome! Your comment about tired, hungry, cranky cracked me up!

  97. I NEED those! How perfect!

    Feel free to check out my blog, it's brand new and still in the making...But, the link is

  98. ooooooooohhhh i love your graniteware especially the coffee pot!!..btw your hat display is adorable :)

  99. I love the graniteware.. Who would say no to the pretty set. I am following your blog now. I love the hat desplay, you needed about 6 or 8 arms... Thanks for the chance to win the granitware.. Kath'

  100. I'd love the win the graniteware. It's so cheery! Congrats on 50 posts. :)

  101. WANT THEM?????? LOL...I NEED THEM! Actually you see...I have a vintage collection of hats that I WAS going to hang in my soon to be millinery bathroom! BUT you( yes YOU darling funny girl) have SCARED the wits out of me..hanging hats SHOULD be simple...but I am always..tired...cranky...and as a result of the dilema (LOL...who started this?)
    I now have a naked vintage rack just hanging there...someone is NOW responsible (giggle) for getting me something to hang on it! So...I may have to simply change the theme of the bathroom...well IF I win(really giggling now)to something in a lovely granite blue...
    Yep (almost ROFL) hmmmm??? Vintage granite in the bathroom...yes all you silly girls...AS...
    Afterall...It is where we go "POT"-ty!
    Now ROF...laughing my butt off( its ok is the bathroom!)

  102. Wow! That took me a long time to get to the comment box! lol

    The hat display reminded me of the Amish!

    I sure would love to win those beautiful blue dishes! Please enter me in your drawing.

    Happy VTT!!!

  103. I love the blue grantiteware. I would never have thought of the way you used the hat rack and hates. Good post.

  104. Wonderful granite ware! Great Giveaway and I would love to have this wonderful collection on my shelf!

  105. Hi Joan...

    What a great Thrifty Thursday post, my friend! Love, love, LOVE your pretty straw hats...I think they look absolutely charming hanging on that hat rack!!! Love the look, feel and charming ambiance that they offer!!! I giggled reading about not doing this if you're tired, hungry, funny! But I can relate! hehe! Thank you for sharing how you did this...and adding the wire to the hats to hang on the rack...was wondering how you got them all to stay put! wink!

    I love the blue and white graniteware!!! I can just see those pretty pieces arranged with a few old crocks full of sunflowers!!! Please add my name to the pot for the giveaway and I've also become a follower of your now I'm crossing my fingers...crossing my toes...and even crossing my eyes if it'll help me win! Hehe! Great giveaway!!! Thank you!!!

    Have a terrific Thursday, my friend!


  106. I would love to win them, those beautiful swirls of blue and white! I am also a follower. LOved this thrifty post! I also loved your post on the estate sale! Wow! Wish I couldve gone to that one. Oh! My!
    Well done! Thank you for linking up to Thrifty Thursday this week! Be sure and drop by to see what the other thrifty participants are showing off. Some really great finds!
    Thanks again!
    Tales from Bloggeritaville

  107. Hello Joan - I love your sweet hat collection! The way you've displayed them on the wall is fabulous. Thank you for sharing!

    And - I would love a chance to win that Graniteware! It's so beautiful!


  108. it really is lovely but I don't have a place for it pass it on. I also have a give away going on.

    This is my first time to your blog and once I am done I will click follower and add you to my blog roll. Come on over for a visit I have a give away going on.

    Its So Very Cheri

  109. The hats look fantastic... even tumbled OFF the rack. You did a great job wiring them back up. Lovely post, thanks!


  110. OM Gosh !! I would LOVE to win the the ware.I absolutley love it.The blue is my favorite,followed by red,then green.I only have a couple of pieces,so winning these would be awesome.

    I'm now a follower,but sadly my blog is old & I never write there.Maybe I should put that on my 'To Do List' huh ?

    I just discovered you,I think, and love what I've seen so far.

    sroxannetart at g mail dot com

  111. I've always loved enamel ware and rarely find it on my day to day stops. I have a coffee pot from my grandma that I display proudly in the kitchen.
    Would love to win something!

  112. They are beautiful! I would be honored to win them and give them a place in my home. Thanks!
    Dancingly, Denise

  113. Wow, i love the straw hats and rack. I just plain out love hats.
    Oh boy, would I love to win that blue and white graniteware. I have a couple of pieces and I love it. It would go great with my pieces on a shelf that runs the length of my kitchen.
    Have a wonderful day,
    Jean in virginia

  114. Love your blog. I would treasure your graniteware and they would look so pretty in my kitchen. I have it tricked out with old appliances, and utensils, I have been on the look out for granite. Thanks for considering me.

  115. It is after 2 in the morning..I am sitting at my computer...trying to escape into another house flooded july 13 from my dumb washing sent its flowing stream of unwanted water thru 4 rooms of my house...the clean up is slow but coming while I sit surrounded by piles of my stuff, waiting for the house to be repaired, eating outside on my porch (which is over filled with most of my furniture)...I dream of decorating...geez...and somehow, tonight I stumbled upon this site... and it made me smile... :) ... I have really enjoyed reading the posts and all of the other neat things on it.. I am sorry that I found it too late to enter the granite give away..cause I would have loved to given them a new home, but I am still very happy to have found this special world...this site..I will be back and often...hopefully daily..cause I can sure use the smile that you gave me... hugs to all..cheri

  116. hi,
    i liked your thrify and straw hats. they seem so cute.. also i have some straw hats but it's hard to keep them from dust and also you know that straw hats never enter into the bag... it's hard to carry them if you want to take off it. so i start to design my own hats that's why :D.. i have also some ideas about hats ;) anyway... i liked your photos and the posts... nice to meet you.
    have a wonderful week with the hats ;)


I love to read your comments.