Thursday, April 22, 2010

More pictures from the 1940's~I think I am on the right track.

I thought I would share some more of the hundreds of pictures I bought from an Estate Sale a couple of weeks ago.

I am sure the photographer is a woman, and in a future post I will share where my research has taken me, but for today just enjoy some women at play in the mid-1940's.

{NOTE: All the pictures will enlarge if you click on them.}

Don't you agree with me that these women would not have let a man take these pictures of them?

No sucking in of stomachs.

No covering up.

No embarrassment of being photographed painting a fence in their unmentionables.


  1. Great pics! Reminds me of Girl Scout camp years and years ago!...well, not in the 40's but maybe the 60's!!
    Really seeing these!

  2. I love these pics!!!
    The innocent, carefree fun and sheer joy is hard to resist!
    You are SO right--that photog was definitely one of the gang.

  3. Wonderful pictures, wouldn't you love to be there!

  4. these are priceless joan. love the playfulness of the gals. i agree pictures definitely taken by a girl!!!

  5. Wow! These are so wonderful. Had to have been a woman behind the camera. Haven't we all seen these expressions with our friends?

  6. Either that or he was one cool guy. It does remind me of Girl Scout camp...or hanging out with my friends after we graduated. It actually doesn't look like anyone needs to suck in their stomach:)

    Look forward to hearing about your researches. Now, I'm going to look more closely when I walk by mother used to put up portraits she liked in her frame collection. They became our "ancestors." I think a lot of folks do that...I made up some good stories about them, let me tell you. (With my mother in the background, "Shussh. What? Why are you saying that? Omigod." Hey, she started it, man.


  7. Oh how fun...don't you wonder what they would think about the way young women act today?


  8. I love these photos - 1940's style. Probably all girls boys off to war. My mom was a young girl at this time and she said things were kind of freeing back then because of the war. Young people did things that were a little "risky" - so maybe there were a couple of cute soldiers around too.

  9. I agree. The feeling of all the pics you've shared is very relaxed and natural - not what one would expect if a man took the photo.


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