Italian Marble Fruit has been in continuous production by members of the same family since the early 1900's...
So there is just new, less new, older, even older, and the oldest marble fruit.
Even the oldest marble fruit isn't older than 80 or 90 years old. Some American Country dealers believe that it is older, antique even, but that isn't true.
Most Italian Marble fruit was imported during the 1950's.
Can you tell the difference? Sometimes, yes, sometimes, no. That's pretty definite, isn't it???????
"Reproduction" to me means made to deceive. New marble fruit is just new marble fruit.
It isn't currently being made to deceive anyone.
Marble is a soft material so the dings and bangs that vintage marble fruit have can be an indication that the fruit has some age.

The thing you should take into account when buying marble fruit is more "Does the piece speak to you."
Do you like it's surface, it's coloration, it's shape, and it's patina.
For a while Italian Marble Fruit was the "IT" collectible in the American Country field. Prices were SKY high. At that time you would have wanted to know that the marble fruit you were buying was OLD...

But, prices are now again reasonable. So reasonable that vintage marble fruit is less expensive than new.
Here is a website for price comparison! Look at those prices! Yikes!!!!!!!!
I am linking these Italian marble fruit buying tips to Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm.
My Etsy Shop, anythinggoeshere