Sunday, June 14, 2009

On the road again...Okay, I know it's a song.

It stopped me in my tracks..or rather it stopped my car in it's tracks. Look at that SIGN!

And look at the cool white house with that cool white tent in front of it. I had to get a picture to share with you! (Yes, husband with new $15 camera really took the pictures.)

This garage sale seller knew how to get attention for her sale. She lives on a busy corner of a major cross street and made the most of it.

Even though I didn't know her, she knew who I was. I'm known as the dealer who sets up with the white screens around my show booths.

We are shooting the breeze (as my dad used to say) with some other customers, sharing stories, places to flea, business cards, and blog addresses.

At a local Estate Sale, I got many little odds and ends of life from an early local home (that would make the most beautiful restaurant). My favorite finds were these tiny, old French perfume bottles.

Pretty little trays, Borghese floral pictures, glittery gems, and insulators, of course. A girl can't have too many insulators. Just kidding.

Glass salt cellars, drafting tool in leather case, water faucet knobs, leather belt with copper buckle, measuring tape, and headless girl in chair.

You wouldn't want to be inside my head. Somehow, while choosing these things, I think they will all go together. Sometimes they do. And sometimes, not so much!


  1. you found some wonderful treasures...thanks for sharing!!! i need to do more garage sales...i always see people finding the best things when they go...i'm so glad that you stopped over to visit with me:)

  2. Joan, I don't think I've met you before, so glad you joined the party. And big congrats on being featured in those magazines, how exciting that must be. I have often thought about opening an antique booth, but not sure I want to commit. It sure is fun looking for things though. That was a sweet sale & that sign would have sucked me in too!

  3. I would have gotten all goosebumpy if I'd seen that sign! How creative is that? You know what they say about garage sale signs: Big sign, big sale, little sign, little sale! You found alot of pretties, and they look like they go together to me!

  4. Nice treasures - I really like the bottles. I started a collection of bottles at one time, but decided I really did not have the room.

  5. Oye! That vintage sign would have stopped me in my tracks too! Yikes what a fun sale...

  6. That headless girl on a chair really made me laugh. Love the colorful sale sign, great idea whoever thought of it.

  7. You do have some wonderful treasures, and my goodness that is the most awesome sale and sign. So awesome I almost screamed like I was there, very clever!!!
    ♥ Teresa

  8. I would have screeched to a halt at that sign too! Looks like you got some real goodies!

  9. That sign would have had me at first glance also. Great finds and how wonderful to find a new friend. Love the little french perfume bottles and little trays.

  10. That sign was awesome! How fun are your finds???

  11. Hi, Joan! Thanks for visiting my blog. You've got some interesting things here - what an assortment! I love perfume bottles, but don't own a one.
    My in-laws were part-time antiques dealers, and I helped them out at a few shows. Fun work!
    Mary Lou

  12. Oooh, I think my favorite is the headless girl on the makes me imagine what the piece looked like when she was whole. What a bunch of great finds!

  13. Hey Girlie!
    Ain't Life Grand!
    What fun! I know 99% of the population think we're crazy, Thank God for the 1%, they know we are,and love us all the same!
    Barb C.

  14. Great treasures! That vintage sign was just too cute! Now that seller really planned to get attention for their sale! :) ~Rhonda

  15. I would have probably left skid marks for a mile trying to get to a sale with a sign like that! Clever marketing...btw, I like to call it schmoozing and I am the queen of it!
    Great finds and yes, I can see it all coming together.

  16. Love the advertisement of their sale... Very eye catching! I've been hunting for salt cellars.. Lucky You!

  17. that sign was classic! thanks to hubby for snapping a pic for us :) you found some great faves are definently all the fun trays you found!!!

  18. The trays are could you not stop with a sign like that!

  19. Could you program my phone number into your cell phone for situations exactly like this one?

  20. Joan, thank you for visiting my blog! And about that t-shirt sign that you spied...what an awesome idea. I'm seeing a sign on the front porch of my shop, hanging from the awning!! Too cool.

  21. There's an award for you on my WhisperWood Cottage blog! :)


  22. sounds like you had a great day! we don't have really good garage sales around here, mostly baby stuff. i like to go to the estate sales and meander around.

  23. I'd kill for that Springsteen tee!

  24. What a great variety of treasures!

  25. Fabulous finds! So many different and interesting things! I particularly loved the little perfume bottles. I've always wanted a collection. Someday!

    Have a fabulous week!


  26. Looks like a fun sale. Never been to one though that was advertised like that. You found many goodies and made a few friends too. You made out good.

  27. what a lovely sign .. and what fabulous finds !!

  28. Love that sign - it would have lured me in too! Great finds! :)

  29. Oh, I bet when you saw the "vintage sale" streamer, your heart rate increased! I always laugh about how wreckless my driving becomes when I spot and estate sale, auction, or yard sale when I'm en route...It's no surprise for me to pull a U-turn when I spy one of these!
    I am glad you are enjoying the French lessons. If you have any requests/or questions, please let me know!

  30. I bet that was one fun sale! I love her signage -- definitely eye catching!

  31. I'm so glad you sared that cute sign! That would draw anyone in. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  32. That sign would have stopped my tracks too! Very creative! I love garage/yard/estate..flea marlet sales! My grandparents were dealers! It's in the blood! I love vintage and antique pieces!Nice to meet you!

  33. It would have stopped me in my tracks too. I love anything vintage!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I took those pictures believe it or not. I've become a master at the long armed photo-op! Have a great day:)

  34. What a cool sign she made! You got such wonderful things! I really love those little round floral pictures!


  35. That looks like it was a GOOD sale!

  36. You wouldn't have thought such a modern house would have vintage things but you can never judge.. right??? Love all your cool finds and can't wait to see what you do with the headless piece. I have so many things with no heads...I can't tell you.LOL

  37. Hi Joan, Nice to meet you! That's some cool stuff you picked up. I think you've given a lot of people an idea for some signage w/this blog post. I had to check out the Kenosha post. My SIL was there for years as a nun! Now out of Dubuque, IA where we'll be visiting in a couple of weeks. Your word, blogmance is truly an original- I think I'll pass it on to a good friend. I'm glad you came by. Don't be a stranger. I've put you on as a subscription in reader. :-) Sue

  38. WOW!!! I can only imagine finding a sale like that, lucky you!! All the best,Chrissy

  39. Cool finds ! That seller knew how to draw you in ! I must remember that next time I have a yard sale, LOL !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  40. Thank you for stopping by my blog recently. Awesome finds! Love, LOVE the sign. So glad I found your blog, it makes me smile!

  41. Brilliant with the t-shirts! Loved the little trays. Thanks for stopping by today with your SWEET comments. You've got an eye for beauty that's for sure! Ha, ha, ha!

  42. You found some lovely little treasures; you have a great eye for pretty stuff. We don't have any sales like that where I live :O( Thanks for stopping by my little corner.

  43. What great finds! And that cute sign would have gotten me hooked too. You have a lovely blog. Nice to "meet" you.


  44. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love the sign to the sale you visited, and I think it's great how you pick out items you love and then make them work together later- that's my kind of decorating process!

  45. Seems you have my same likes... yes, I have similar dreams of things looking beautiful in my home and many times finding out that I must have been under a spell...

  46. Love your blog, thanks for visiting mine. I love the trays you found and those borghese pictures are so pretty.

  47. The clothes line is really cute. Love all your vintage things in this post. Thanks for participating in VTT. Please be sure to link back to my blog in your post for VTT. Thanks :)

  48. oh, your sign is wonderful!

  49. I would have flipped if I saw that sign too! Love it!



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